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The Ritual 2022 Hockey Range has brought new colours and designs for this new season but with keeping the same core shapes and materials that makes them so popular. The Ritual 2022 Range has been developed around their most popular shapes with various carbon points to make sure everyone is covered on the hockey pitch.
To find out more information about the new ritual 2022 hockey range, have a read of our Blog - Click Here
Picking a hockey stick can be difficult and challenging but we have put together a easy to read Blog giving you all the information you need to pick your perfect hockey stick - Click Here
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La huella de carbono de cada entrega se calcula en función de su peso, método de envío y distancia recorrida. Compramos créditos de eliminación de carbono verificados a proyectos innovadores para neutralizar estas emisiones.
Con tu compra, te unirás a una comunidad de comerciantes y clientes proactivos dedicados a un futuro sustentable. Juntos, eliminamos emisiones para más de 51 millones de entregas y eliminamos más de 37 mil toneladas de carbono.
Trabajamos con una red de empresas pioneras en la eliminación de carbono que fueron examinadas por nuestra plataforma de comercio Shopify.